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This is a place for all the latest articles, podcasts, and event recordings. You'll also find curated collections of our favorite content as well as resources by type. Or search all resources.

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Newest Resources

059 - Making Sense of Language Messes with Abby Covert
059 - Making Sense of Language Messes with Abby Covert
Abby Covert

Abby Covert is an information architect, writer and community organizer with two decades of experience helping people make sense of messes. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia and Abby talk about letting go of perfectionism in dealing with tech debt, the power of language and why words are hard, plus why diagramming is a high order skill.

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058 - OOUX for AI and AI for OOUX
058 - OOUX for AI and AI for OOUX
Sophia V. Prater

In this solo episode of the podcast, Sophia talks about the coming artificial intelligence revolution and how it could work with OOUX. She discusses AI world models and how OOUX provides a framework for training AIs. Plus, all the fun AI/OOUX material coming down the pipeline, including Zoe, the OOUX bot (currently in development) and a meetup on May 16 3-5PM EST, "OOUX for AI and AI for OOUX."

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057 - Revolutionizing your UX Process with Elena Haskins
057 - Revolutionizing your UX Process with Elena Haskins
Elena Haskins

Elena Haskins is a Certified OOUX Strategist and product designer that helps design software for SaaS startups that make users feel effortlessly at home. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia and Elena discuss how dog owners can teach clients about cardinality, why OOUX helps you ask the questions no one else is asking, and how system objects can be used for team therapy.

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056 - Wrangling Design System Chaos with Dan Mall
056 - Wrangling Design System Chaos with Dan Mall
Dan Mall

Dan Mall is a creative director, designer, founder, and entrepreneur. He currently runs Design System University: curriculum & community to support how you design at scale. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia and Dan ask the question, are design systems folks and OOUX folks the same folks?

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How developers and UX designers can work better together - Intro to OOUX
How developers and UX designers can work better together - Intro to OOUX
Elena Haskins

Elena gave her first official talk about OOUX at Thunderplains, a dev conference hosted by Techlahoma a few weeks ago. In this talk, she speaks about the benefits of OOUX to bridge the gap between design and development, and gives an intro to the ORCA process.

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OOUX In Action

Real world case studies & stories using OOUX.

The ORCA Series

In this solo, 15-part OOUX Podcast series, Sophia takes you through every step in her ORCA (Objects, Relationships, CTAs, and Attributes) process.

Getting Started In OOUX

Ready to explore the world of OOUX? Understand the benefits, download a Quick Start Guide, and find out if OOUX is right for you.

Making the Case for OOUX

Not sold on OOUX? Or need help building the case for bringing OOUX to your team? We've got you covered with a ton of good reasons.

The Psychology Behind OOUX

Delve into the cognitive science and psychology that backs up the fact that humans need clear objects to communicate, think, and understand.

OOUX and Design Systems

Learn how OOUX can help you craft, organize, and manage an elegant and specific design system.

UX/Developer Collaboration

Are you a developer looking into UX, but turned off by its squishy concepts? Or a UX designer wanting to speak the technical team's language? You'll love OOUX.

Top 5 OOUX Podcast Episodes

Interviews with Brad Frost, Jeremy Keith, and Dan Mall, plus an updated look at OOUX and an audio workshop round out this collection.

Object-Oriented UX and Content

At its core, Object-Oriented UX is a content-first philosophy. The methods we use in OOUX are heavily inspired by content modeling and "inside-out" design principles.

OOUX is the Future

The experts agree: Object-Oriented UX will play a pivotal role in the future of extended reality.

Advanced Concepts

These resources are not for the faint of heart

ORCA Sprints

One-week workshop taking teams from chaos to clarity. Start with a design problem, collaboratively define objects, chart relationships, organize CTAs, add functionality, and diagram attributes in an Object Map.

OOUX in the Wild

Take a look at OOUX methodologies playing out within organizations large and small.

Resource Types

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See a list of Certified OOUX Strategists who are open to talking about full-time and freelance opportunities to help bring the complexity wrangling magic of OOUX to your organization.

More ways to go deeper...

Enroll in the Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass

This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.

Subscribe to OOUX Podcast

A dive into the weeds on UX systems, information architecture, human psychology, data wrangling, structured content, UX process, and above all simplifying the complex.

Join OOUX Happy Hour Meetup

OOUX virtual meetups feature amazing guest speakers, Q&A, discussion, networking breakout sessions, and important OOUX updates. Bring your coffee, wine, or whiskey.