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Kamil van Buuren

Digital Experience Design Team Leader. With a focus on IKEA's co-worker experience.

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

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says about OOUX

OOUX helps me gain domain knowledge

Having OOUX as an approach for myself to first get domain knowledge was a big thing. So I could sell it to the product team saying “how can I design a cog in a system if I don’t know how the system works? Otherwise I will design a cog that breaks the system.” And that worked quite well.

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Featured Resources

044 - Implementing OOUX at IKEA with Kamil van Buuren
044 - Implementing OOUX at IKEA with Kamil van Buuren

Kamil Van Buuren is a Digital Experience Design Team Leader at IKEA, With a focus on IKEA's co-worker & employee experiences. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia & Kamil discuss when to give your team a heavy versus a light dose of OOUX, using OOUX to quickly gain domain knowledge at a new job, plus how to more efficiently divide & conquer on a complicated project.

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Kamil van BuurenKamil van Buuren

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