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Rebecca Fuger

Digital Designer at Future US

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

UX, UI, Visual Design

Cohort 3

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Your client and users will thank you

OOUX and ORCA open an intuitive and logical window into the world of user experience that actually emphasizes human behavior and understanding. This fast paced, but comprehensive, program will help you sort out all those thorny and difficult questions before you even touch a sketchpad or design program. Your client and users will thank you. You will also be grateful for the work you invested in the ORCA process. No more "oh no I didn't think of that" in the middle of laying out your homepage or nav bar. Save yourself all that trouble with OOUX.

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Rebecca FugerRebecca Fuger

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Enroll in the Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass

This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.