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Liam Greig

Head of Design at Confluence

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

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says about OOUX

You do not need permission

How do we introduce OOUX to an organization? I felt like there was an implicit assumption in that you need permission, but you just don’t. Anytime you start on a new product as a designer, the first thing you should do is map out the objects. And you do not need permission to do that. And that might lead to some really rad conversations or it just might make you as an individual better at your job because you’ll be able to see a much clearer picture than you would have.

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Featured Resources

042 - OOUX at Trello with Caitlin Steele & Liam Greig
042 - OOUX at Trello with Caitlin Steele & Liam Greig

Caitlin Steele is the Experience Design Manager at Jira & Liam Greig is Head of Design at Confluence, both previously were at Trello. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia, Liam, & Caitlin discuss the aftermath of an OOUX Design Sprint at Trello, how maybe OOUX isn't for everyone, & strategies for bringing OOUX to a big organization.

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Liam GreigLiam Greig

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This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.