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Lindsey Claxton

UX Designer

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

Systems Design, Information Architecture, Content Strategy

Cohort 4

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says about OOUX

OOUX is like a breath of fresh air

OOUX is like a breath of fresh air for designers like me who crave definition, planning, collaboration and purpose when approaching complex system design problems. This design philosophy pushes aside the inefficiencies of screen-by-screen, myopic design and instead teaches you how to work with a cross-functional team to visualize and map out a holistic system where the Objects are the rockstars and then the relationships, features and functionality more purposefully fall into place around them. Sophia's passion for OOUX really shines through in this program, and her enthusiasm is contagious. She gives you everything you need to incorporate OOUX into your design process - education, mentorship, templates and access to a community of certified OOUX-ers.

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Lindsey ClaxtonLindsey Claxton

Interested in learning OOUX?

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Enroll in the Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass

This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.