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Dan Mall

Founder of SuperFriendly and Design System University

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

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says about OOUX

We need people who have that OOUX skillset.

Someone has to be able to see the forest for the trees, and it’s usually people that have OOUX as a skillset, the people who can see those things and go, oh, I understand how that thing relates to that other thing. They’re the ones that do well in design systems. So we need people who have that OOUX skillset.

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Featured Resources

056 - Wrangling Design System Chaos with Dan Mall
056 - Wrangling Design System Chaos with Dan Mall

Dan Mall is a creative director, designer, founder, and entrepreneur. He currently runs Design System University: curriculum & community to support how you design at scale. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia and Dan ask the question, are design systems folks and OOUX folks the same folks?

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Episode 003 - Putting Your Components in Context with Dan Mall
Episode 003 - Putting Your Components in Context with Dan Mall

Dan Mall is one of the leading experts in design systems. In this episode, learn how to start a design system project the right way, the pros and cons of “flexible cards” which can lead to what I call masked objects, and how OOUXers can create a ton of value on a design system team.

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Dan MallDan Mall

Interested in learning OOUX?

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Enroll in the Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass

This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.