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Hope Kanter

UX Strategist

Certified OOUX Strategist
Advanced OOUX Strategist & Consultant

Human Factors, Cognitive & Experimental Psychology

Cohort 2

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says about OOUX

An organizing system for designing UX

I was new to UX research, and I took Sophia's 10-week class. I learned so much that I now have confidence that I could be a constructive part of a UX team. I know where to start, and have experience with many of the concepts and tools I will need to start my career in UX.

OOUX is an organizing system for designing the user experience for a system (website, app, etc) in a way that mimics the human tendency to organize our schemas based on objects. You start by finding the most important objects, defining them, discovering the relationships and CTAs relevant to them, then design your system based on the results.

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Hope KanterHope Kanter

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Enroll in the Self-Paced OOUX Masterclass

This rigorous course is for UX designers, developers, and digital product people who are tackling complexity, wrangling stakeholders, and trying to make systems-level change.